Rostros de la bisexualidad

Coming To Terms With My Bisexuality: A Life's Journey

Coming To Terms With My Bisexuality: A Life's Journey

It's been a long journey getting here, but I am so happy to be out and 100% true to myself. I am an out and proud bi woman and I couldn't be happier!

This Bi Life: I'm Married and I'm Bi

This Bi Life: I'm Married and I'm Bi

Yes, I am in a committed relationship with a woman, and yes, she is the love of my life. But that doesn't mean I'm straight. It means I am attracted to men and women.

Las citas durante una pandemia

Las citas durante una pandemia

So let's say that you've found that special someone (or more than one). How do you spend quality time with them when you’re not supposed to meet in person?

No, mi pareja no se "molesta" por mi bisexualidad

No, mi pareja no se "molesta" por mi bisexualidad

One of the first things I learned when I came out as bisexual is that, for some folks, my identity is always going to be connected to, or even defined, by my bisexuality.

Happiness and Self-Acceptance Didn’t Find Me — I Had to Find Them

Happiness and Self-Acceptance Didn’t Find Me — I Had to Find Them

As wonderful as it was to at last be living as an openly bi man, I learned that being closeted for so long had shielded me from a lot of biphobia.

This Bi Life: I Don't Feel Bi Enough

This Bi Life: I Don't Feel Bi Enough

No matter who we date, no matter who we have sex with, no matter who we fall in love with or marry, we are still bisexual. No one can take that away from us.

Lo que estar fuera del clóset significa para mí

Lo que estar fuera del clóset significa para mí

I have been officially out for years, but I'm still working to do better, be more visible, and stop bi erasure whenever I can.

El 26 de junio, un día que cambio mi vida

El 26 de junio, un día que cambio mi vida

I faced the dilemma that so many bi people face: one aspect of me was encouraged and even celebrated by society, another was burdened with tremendous stigma and shame.

Mi despertar bi

Mi despertar bi

Something that I’ve heard many times from various people when they come to accept and embrace their bisexuality, is the feeling of joy and fullness at the moment of realization of their sexual orientation.

Siendo una persona bi que desafía lo binario en un mundo de blanco o negro

Siendo una persona bi que desafía lo binario en un mundo de blanco o negro

In the end, life is not a zero-sum game, and as a bi woman, I’m happy to say neither is love.

M&Ms Azules: Mi Bisexualidad En los 90s

M&Ms Azules: Mi Bisexualidad En los 90s

It wasn’t that I was cruel or indecisive. I was terrified. Without the knowledge of the word “bisexual,” I was lost in a learned dichotomy.

Cómo el identificarme como bi y demi me ayudó a tener más confianza en mí misma

Cómo el identificarme como bi y demi me ayudó a tener más confianza en mí misma

Maybe my sense of myself will shift later on, and I’ll need new labels. That’s okay. Nothing is set in stone — I don’t have to lie anymore. And that’s incredibly freeing.

Las malo de salir en citas mientras eres bi

Las malo de salir en citas mientras eres bi

I am tired of explaining myself and defending who I am. I’m tired of feeling like a bisexual plaything or jumping into unhealthy relationships.

Me escondí de mí misma por décadas, ahora estoy lista para que me vean

Me escondí de mí misma por décadas, ahora estoy lista para que me vean

It’s kind of funny. I spent the first couple decades of my life running away from who I was. Now my fight isn’t with myself, it’s trying to get others to see the real me.

Como apoyar a tu pareja bi

Como apoyar a tu pareja bi

It isn’t difficult to support your bi partner as a non-bi person. Just support them, respect them, don’t make any assumptions about them, don’t fetishize them, and be proud of who they are.

Coming Out Bi: My Story

Coming Out Bi: My Story

This is my story of coming out: first as "queer" and then, later, finally accepting my bisexuality.

Mi experiencia en el Pride de la Ciudad de México

Mi experiencia en el Pride de la Ciudad de México

Mexico City Pride has given me the opportunity to proudly embrace my bisexuality and to stand tall among a community that accepts and celebrates me for who I am.

This Bi Life: Bi and On The Ace Spectrum

This Bi Life: Bi and On The Ace Spectrum

It was such a relief to know that I could keep my bi identity (which had become very important to me) and also acknowledge this other facet of myself.

Me convertí en el primer deportista profesional masculino que se declaró bi mientras jugaba

Me convertí en el primer deportista profesional masculino que se declaró bi mientras jugaba

I think it’s important not just to be comfortable with who you are, but also confident. More than just acknowledging a truth about yourself, having some pride really makes a difference.

Encontrando el valor para aceptar mi bisexualidad

Encontrando el valor para aceptar mi bisexualidad

Love women, love men, love whomever catches your interests at the moment — but love and accept yourself above all else.

As Bi Men We Need To Talk About Our Drug Abuse — It's Killing Us

As Bi Men We Need To Talk About Our Drug Abuse — It's Killing Us

Many of us first find the courage to explore our sexuality through drug use, but we need to be talking about the dire consequences as well as the freedom.

Confession: I’m Not “50/50" Bisexual

Confession: I’m Not “50/50" Bisexual

I'm still bisexual no matter who I am dating and no matter how I act. Proud to be bisexual. Proud to be me.

Soy de Honduras, pero nunca me sentí como en casa hasta que me mudé a Taipéi

Soy de Honduras, pero nunca me sentí como en casa hasta que me mudé a Taipéi

Discovering bisexuality in Honduras, I faced societal pressures to perform my sexuality, leading to an identity crisis. Embracing authenticity, I learned to live my true self.

Tales From Indie Pride in Italy

Tales From Indie Pride in Italy

The more out bi people there are and the more we can connect with one another, the less alone we all feel and the more acceptance we will gain.

Ser un hombre bi no es una fantasía “masculina”

Ser un hombre bi no es una fantasía “masculina”

I've been asked if I'm "really" bisexual. I reply that I am and if they still doubt it I sometimes joke that they are welcome to interrogate my wife and my boyfriend about it.

Being Bisexual in the Boy Scouts (Then and Now)

Being Bisexual in the Boy Scouts (Then and Now)

I always wanted to have brothers, and I wanted the camaraderie of hanging out with other guys. That's what Scouting provided for me.

Bi and Trans at a Play Party

Bi and Trans at a Play Party

Bi was a word I thought couldn’t include me because of my gender and attraction. I was wrong. Bi has more than enough room for nonbinary genders and nonbinary attraction. Bi includes me.

Bi, Pan, Omni, Poly, Fluid, NoLabel, etc. = #oneofus

Bi, Pan, Omni, Poly, Fluid, NoLabel, etc. = #oneofus

I consider myself a demi/gray-romantic bi person. But that doesn't mean that I'm not attracted to people. In fact, I'm attracted to a lot of people, regardless of gender.

This Bi Life: Black, Bi, and Sexy

This Bi Life: Black, Bi, and Sexy

Hopefully, at some point, I can truly feel like the sexy, black, bi, demi woman that I am.

TxT y Bi También: Cómo estar en una relación bi y trans me ha ayudado a tener más confianza en mi cuerpo

TxT y Bi También: Cómo estar en una relación bi y trans me ha ayudado a tener más confianza en mi cuerpo

Finding a life partner who understood me on such a fundamental level was incredible. Moreover, we were both incredibly passionate about being a part of our local LGBT community and felt a strong connection to queer culture.

Los bis no pertenecen en una caja

Los bis no pertenecen en una caja

The beauty in being bisexual is that we are all unique and versatile. And that is worthy of celebration.

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