Susan Ivanova (Claudia Christian), is a member of the Earth Force and a commanding officer on the space station Babylon 5 in the TV show of the same name (1993–1998). She begins the series as a lieutenant but rises through the ranks as the show progresses, ending up as Commander of the Rangers, an interspecies force dedicated to protecting the galaxy.

Image/Warner Bros

The daughter of a telepath with latent powers of her own, Susan has a deep distrust of Psi-Corps, the Earth government's shadowy psychic agency, as membership for psychics is mandatory. The only way out is to agree to take power-suppressing drugs, the same drugs which eventually drove her mother to suicide as her mind deteriorated under their influence.

Despite this, Susan falls powerfully in love with Talia Winters, the station's official telepath, but their relationship barely begins before Talia too dies as a result of Psi-Corps. This forms a pattern in Susan's relationships, and though they don't all end in death — one boyfriend turns out to be a racist terrorist who she helps entrap and send to prison — they do all end badly.

Image/Warner Bros

Ivanova is a skilled fighter pilot, having served several years as one before her assignment to the station, and continues finding excuses to go out in one throughout her time there. A pragmatic, blunt, and honorable person, she's willing to disobey orders to do the right thing.