The Bi Flag: A Comedic Monologue

By Jennie Roberson

June 19, 2022



Photo credit: Bigstock/ Ink Drop

Hey there! Welcome, come on in! I wasn’t sure if you saw me, but I was waving.

Bit of a flag joke. Couldn’t resist.

Good to see you! What’s your name? Oh, that’s a lovely name.

... My name? Well, I haven’t got one, really. I guess you could say with Bi Flag you could call me B.F. Kind of like Best Friend. Ooh, hey, or you could call me Bestie (all pronouns, naturally). I know the youths are calling each other that these days. I’ll take it.

You know, I’m still pretty young, myself — in my early twenties! Some people feel like I’ve been around forever, but really I came into the Bestie form you know and love back in 1998 (#90sbaby), conjured into being by an artist named Michael Page. And I’m a Sagittarius.

’98. That makes me old enough to buy a drink, but young enough that I can still stay on my parents’ insurance (phew!)

But while this flag is my final form, before that an earlier version of my colors was in the symbol called the BiAngles — a set of three overlapping triangles with the colors pink, purple, and blue. That sigil was created for the Boston Bi Woman’s Community by artist Liz Nania. 

Several people march holding a large bi pride flag.

Maybe you’re wondering what the colors represent? They’re not just vibes. The pink represents homosexual attraction, or attraction to your own sex (there’s a long and storied narrative about why pink is associated with homosexuality, but I won’t get into it here). The blue stripe represents heterosexual (remember: hetero- means "different", not "opposite”). And the purple in the middle of this bodacious bi sammich? That’s the blending of both attractions.

Those are some sweet, sweet colors. But I’m a bit bi-ased, myself. (I know that was another groan-worthy pun, but c’mon: we’re bi! Bis love puns! You’ve gotta admit: I’m a real stitch.)

Now, a lot of people ask me — Bestie: Is it the blue or the pink that tops? (Hehehe.) Well, it’s pink! Pink, purple, then blue at the bottom. Easiest way for me to remember is to think of it like a sunset on the ocean: the blue water is always at the bottom of the view. Most people can remember that purple is in the middle since that’s what you get when you blend pink and blue, so that should hopefully clear things up for the lot of ya.

Oh, I have to say — I absolutely adore what everyone has done with me. The pins, the tote bags, the artwork, the makeup — I love it all. I can’t choose my favorite! I mean, that’s to be expected — we known to get a little stumped by multiple choices. I have to say, though: I may be the most impressed by the tattoos of me I’ve seen around the world. They’re so different, but they all have one thing in common — making a permanent mark of your pride in being bi. That brings a tear to my eyes (if I had them, that is).

This is such a great time of year. I really love when people bust out their personal iterations of me and take them to Pride. I’ve seen some huge versions of me getting carried through parades across the planet. I love to wave and fly in the warm winds of June. But it’s also great to get busted out in other countries during other months, too - I’m not picky!

During Pride, a large group marches and a woman holds a bi flag above her head smiling.

Before you say it, I’m gonna clear up a rumor people ask me about all the time: No, I don’t care if I have wrinkles in me. I used to, though! I used to be a little vain about this stuff (I mean, can you blame me? I’m gorgeous!) In my earlier years, I interpreted it as a sign of disrespect that I’d get touted about Pride with more wrinkles than a prune left in a tub for a week. But I’ve mellowed as I’ve grown, and also gotten some much-needed perspective: now I see that it was never a sign of disrespect. It was a sign of enthusiasm. People were so excited to yank me out of my packaging and drape me about their shoulders like a cape that they didn’t want to waste a moment showing off who they were in a community that loves and respects them. Can’t get mad at that.

Plus, hey: wrinkles are a sign of character and a life well-lived.

I’ve loved being your representation. I really have. I hope one day I’ll be a mainstay on flagpoles everywhere — up to and including the grounds of the White House (and not just during Pride month, either.) My fabric holds within its folds a lot of joy, visibility, and identity for one of the biggest sections of the LGBT family. And despite my own flighty nature, I don’t take that lightly. It’s a true honor.

Well, it’s been a gas having a chat with you. Thanks for stopping and talking with me for a spell. Have a fabulous Pride, and don’t forget to let your me flag fly!

A woman with rainbow overalls holds the pride flag behind her while at pride.
Bigstock/Ink Drop