Steve Orlando is a comic book writer best known for his work with DC and Marvel Comics, including series such as Justice League of America, Batman, Wonder Woman, Spider-Man, X-Men, and the Avengers.

In 2015, Orlando wrote Midnighter for DC Comics, which was named one of the "20 Best Comics of 2015" and "The Best Portrayal of a Gay Superhero in Mainstream Comics" by io9. His two series starring Midnighter were both nominated for a GLAAD Media Award in 2017.[1]

In 2018, he wrote a 12-issue miniseries Martian Manhunter. The series was well received by critics and Orlando discussed it as a metaphor for his bisexuality.  

Obviously, I’m half-Jewish, I’m bisexual— jokingly I will say I’m half-gay; sometimes more or less than that, depending on what room I’m in and who else is in that room. Usually the bottom half. Anyway! But the point is, I understand what it’s like to have something inside of you that you have to wrestle with and come to terms with, but also maybe isn’t noticeable on the street to folks. And having something inside of himself that he has to wrestle with and overcome and eventually use to empower himself, that’s J’onn J’onzz’s journey as well.[2]