Toni Topaz (Vanessa Morgan) was introduced in season 2 of the CW series Riverdale. She's a Southside Serpent and works with Jughead on the student paper as a photographer.

Toni grew up on the Southside and had a strong sense of social justice. She joins the student paper in an attempt to help the underrepresented residents of Riverdale. Toni and Jughead have immediate chemistry. When he tells her that he and Betty are no longer an item, Toni and Jughead share a kiss.

Toni spends the night in Jughead's trailer, and the next day they talk about what Toni calls "a PG-13 grope session" and realize that Jughead is not over Betty. She goes on to tell him that she doesn't mind because she's "more into girls," making her the first officially out bi character on Riverdale.

Toni and Cheryl quickly become best friends, and their friendship quickly becomes one of the favorite relationships on Riverdale (yay, Choni!).