Mister Torgue High-Five Flexington is a non-playable character from the second downloadable content pack of the video game Borderlands 2 - "Mr. Torgue's Campaign of Carnage," named after himself.

Mr. Torgue, a large, muscular man, is the founder, CEO, and spokesperson of the Torgue weapons factory, where they manufacture combat shotguns, machine guns, repeaters, rocket launchers, semi-automatic sniper rifles, and submachine guns.

Mr. Torgue's bisexuality is subtly addressed in Borderlands 2 through his interactions and dialogue. He expresses attraction towards Vault Hunters regardless of their gender, indicating that he is open to romantic or sexual relationships with both men and women. This aspect of his character adds depth and diversity to the Borderlands universe, reflecting the game developers' commitment to inclusivity and representation. 

Anthony Burch, the lead writer of Borderlands 2, confirmed Mr. Torgue's bisexuality, highlighting the game's efforts to create a more diverse cast of characters. This representation helps to normalize and celebrate different sexual orientations within the gaming community. He also mentioned: "Why are these characters (...) bi? The answer is simple: we wanted our cast to be more diverse and inclusive, and it didn't actually cost us anything to do so."

Mr. Torgue, along with Tiny TinaMoxxi, Axton, and Zane Flynt make up the bi cast of the Borderlands franchise.