Abby is the titular character of the short-lived NBC comedy, Abby’s. Abby was played by Natalie Morales.

Abby is a sarcastic but entrepreneurial ex-Marine operating in the greater San Diego area — she just happens to have illegally set up the bar in her backyard in order to pay her rent. Abby is funny and protective of her friends (who are also her biggest barflies). While she is fiercely loyal, she can often be guarded to a fault. 

In episode 3, the crew learns that Abby is bi. They see her flirting with "Free Alcohol Lady" and Bill asks, "Wait a second, can we back up here for a second? Free Alcohol Lady is a lady. So, do you date women?"

She simply responds, "And men. I’m bisexual, Bill."

And that's it. No drama, no tears, just the chillest come-out in TV history.