Avatar Korra is the protagonist in Nickelodeon’s animated series, The Legend of Korra — the sequel of the ever-popular Avatar: The Last Airbender — where she serves as the next in the Avatar line directly after Aang.

Korra comes from the Southern Water Tribe, and shows control over the elements of water, earth, and fire with her bending at a very young age. But in order to fulfill her role as Avatar and keep the balance between the Spirit World and their own, she needs to master all of the elements, and this goal is what pushes her to leave her tribe and move to Republic City to train under the last remaining airbending master.

While there, Korra meets brothers, firebender Mako and earthbender Bolin — and joins their pro-bending team. While there is some flirting back and forth and polite dates for all parties involved, Korra struggles with her feelings for Mako even as Mako becomes involved with another woman, Asami Sato. Korra eventually admits her feelings for him, but he rejects her because he's already in a relationship, which puts a lot of strain on their friendship and effectiveness as a pro-bending team. However, she and Mako agree to keep things civil and work through their differences as close friends.

Korra and Mako sitting together smiling having a conversation indoors.

That doesn’t last too long, and they share an on-again, off-again relationship with Mako still entertaining a similarly casual relationship with Asami. There is no shortage of issues to come between these two, and in the show’s later seasons we see them wish each other well and go on their separate ways to finally end their rocky relationship.

Through all of this, there is no animosity between Korra and Asami, with each coming to the other’s aid multiple times. After restoring balance and harmony between humans and spirits, Korra was injured, and took some time to heal. During this time, Korra and Asami stayed in touch with heartfelt letters.

It was Asami that first developed feelings for Korra, but she kept it a secret, fearing that she would lose Korra’s friendship if the feelings were not reciprocated. 

Asami looking at Korra with sadness in her eyes.

After a close call, and an extended absence, Asami and Korra finally admit their feelings for each other and take time to themselves to build a solid, healthy foundation before announcing their relationship to their friends and, reluctantly, to some of the public.